Remember, when that was a big hit? I'm not sure of the exact context of that T-shirt that was made, but I know it caused some issues. Well now I can say that I am part of his posse.
Allow me to give you a little background. Remember in June, when I was non-existent in the blogging world? Yeah, I'm sorry about that, but I have a really good reason. I was married at the end of June and was busy running around with that, so Triumphant Tar Heel took a backseat.
But my wife, knowing that I am huge Tar Heel fan, allowed the two of us to go down to Chapel Hill for a day to visit the Smith Center and the Carolina basketball museum (See why I married her?)! Well, I took lots of pictures, which I will post at different times throughout the year, and we had lunch of Franklin Street. We were looking at some of the shops on the street and I even bought the 2008-2009 season review on DVD. As we were walking towards another shop, I looked at who was walking towards us and it was a really tall individual. As he got closer, I kinda stopped and looked and said "You're Jackie Manuel!"
He didn't say it, but he was basically like "Duh." I talked with him for a minute, asking him how the NBADL was and what he was currently up too. I told him he was the man, shook his hand and asked if I could get a picture with him, so here it it:

So now, I am officially part of Jackie Manuel's posse. It was a really awesome experience, not only meeting him, but touring the museum as well. When I walked away from meeting Manuel, I had goosebumps, and when I walked towards the Smith Center and saw other Tar Heel fans, wearing Tar Heel gear, and talking to me, I felt like I was part of the Carolina family. As I stated earlier, I will post some sweet pictures from the museum and Smith Center throughout the season.
But now for the bad news: I do not have cable or satellite to watch all the games this year. Last year I was able to, but viewing all those channels as a non-necessity, I do not have their availability this year, particularly ESPN, which is where the majority of the games are broadcasted. I will do my best to watch as many games as possible and am looking into watching them via the Internet as much as possible, but have not found any real leads yet. So my insight may not be as good as before, but as I always try to do, I will do my best. Thanks for reading!
The context for Jackie Manuel has a posse is as such: